Four videos from my new series of work, Tutorials, are being shown in London at:

Very Moving Pictures

The Artist’s Cinema Lounge at
Hackney Wicked Festival 2014

Friday 1 st August 6:00pm-9:00pm
Saturday 2 nd August 12:00pm-7:30pm
Sunday 2 nd August 12:00pm-7:30pm

See for festival information.

More info at : and for detailed screening schedule and our current activities.

Screenings and performances of contemporary artist's film and video, including showreels of artist's narrative, animation, experimental, drama, documentary and youth categories, alongside live audio-visual performance and installation. Exciting, surprising, innovative and challenging, these films are guaranteed to move you! With appearances by directors and artists, our cinema is very personal and engaging, and is the place to see cutting-edge moving image works.

Featuring: Amber Ablett, Pascal Ancel Bartholdi, Vittoria Belli, Gaelle Berton, Paul Bruce, Melanie Clifford, João Cristóvão Leitão, Sandra Fruebing, Tessa Garland, Qila Gill, Sarah Hammond, Maud Haya-Baviera, Hannah Hayward, Liz Helman, Bill Howard, Lara Jacoski, Rupert Jaeger, Maren Dagny Juell, Ulf Kristiansen, Jockel Liess, Nicola Jayne Maskrey, Adam McAlavey, Sawan Nair, Anna Nazo, Constanza Nunez-Melgar, Paul Olding, Fran Ortega, Laurel Parker, Yuri Pirondi, Jacopo Rachlik, Natasha Redina, Rose Ridgway, Timothy Robert Pickerell, Adam Ryzman, Sarah Scarsbrook, NaoKo TakaHashi, Dani Tagen, Jaime Valtierra, Ines Von Bonhorst, Rachel Wilberforce, Clara Aparicio Yoldi, Francesco Zuccarello, Hackney Community College, Harrington Hill Primary School, plus special features from Future Shorts, popcorn and more!

Presented in the newly refurbished Swan Wharf arts venue, come and lounge in the video space with popcorn and enjoy the best in contemporary artists' films. Lab Film Projects' mission is to celebrate and develop the working practice of emergent film makers, with affiliate directors from across the UK and overseas. If you are a keen film-maker, come and talk to our staff, as we have a year-round programme of development and screening projects for all age groups in festivals, cinemas and galleries.



I will participate at this years Oslo Open in Petrine Lillevold Vinje's studio in Hasleveien 38.
Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th of April from 12-18.
More info at Oslo Open's website:

oslo open

Two of my videos will also be screened at Cinemateket in a film program curated by Rachel Dagnall with other artist such as Tori Wrånes, Anawana Haloba, Marte Aas and Mattias Härenstam..
This is an opportunity to get a preview of one of the videos from my current project Tutorials:


My work Failing to Levitate in the Field will be shown at

Vestlandsutstillingen 2014, titled Den enes brød den andres død and curated by Lars Sture

Tour dates and places:
23.01 - 13.02.2014 Kunsthall Stavanger, STAVANGER
01.03 - 23.03.2014 Sogn & Fjordane Kunstmuseum, FØRDE
05.04 - 27.04.2014 Kunstmuseum KUBE, ÅLESUND
09.05 - 01.06.2014 Haugesund Kunstforening, HAUGESUND
08.11 - 09.12.2014 Kunsthus KABUSO, ØYSTESE



A shadow is a reverse projection of an object…

Liv Tandrevold Eriksen, Ingrid Toogood Hovland and Maren Juell Kristensen have worked together with the dancers and choreographers Therese Markus and Kristianne Mo. The result is a one night event that involves an object, projections and people.

.....also, if the object is moving, the shadow cast by the object will
project an image with dimensions (length) expanding proportionally
faster than the object's own rate of movement. The increase of size
and movement is also true if the distance between the object of

interference and the light source are closer. This, however, does not
mean the shadow may move faster than light, even when projected at
vast distances, such as light years...

Thanks to students from Einar Graum Kunstfagskole who has generously lent us their shadows.

About One Night Only.


Failing to Levitate in the field and The Crystal Ball Rehearsal is being screened as a part of Petrine Lillevold Vinjes project Anatomical Theatre.
This very exiting project is a part of the Norwegian Sculpture Biennial opening on the 12th of september.
The Anatomical Theatre consist of a full scale model in the Vigeland Park, Oslo a performance program, symposium and video screenings.

The screenings are curated by Wuxia and will be on the 22. september, 29. september, 13. october.

For more information see the website.



Strangely I found myself as a participant at NRK's (Norwegian Broadcasting) new quiz show Kulturquiz. The artist Andres Kjær and myself are trying to win money for the up and coming talent Ingrid Torvund. We are up against the actors Henrik Mestad & Bjarte Hjelmeland.

The first episode in the series is aired on NRK 2 on the 10th of September at 20:55. I am on at the 16th. (will also be available on the NRK player, but probably not abroad)


My work "Fairy Tale" is being shown as part of "Stereo.Not Mono" opening at Stadtgalerie Im Brusnbüttel in Elbeforum, Germany
From 26.1.-10.3.2013



The Beers.Lambert award show has a preview at the 8th of January from 6-9 pm.

The gallery is Beers.Lambert Contemporary in 1 Baldwin Street, London, EC1V9NU

"As one of its primary operating initiatives, Beers.Lambert’s artist support program has always believed in nurturing emerging artists and celebrating excellence in emerging contemporary art; devised as a plan to create a platform for recognition and exposure for underexposed artists, The Award for Emerging Art was a call for submissions open to artists internationally. The resulting eight artists were selected from over 1500 worldwide submissions, and judged on criteria such as progression, innovation, and excellence in four artistic fields: Painting & Drawing; Photography & Other Two Dimensional Media; Sculpture & Installation; and lastly, Video, Performance, & New Media Forms."

The other artist exhibiting are: Aggtelek, Scott Carter, Øystein Dahlstrøm, Gabbril Dawe, Romen Gouveia, Jack West and Jwan Yousef.


I am invited to give an artists talk at the "Expanded Photographies: Technology, Perception, Representation" symposium at Southampton Solent University.
Other speakers are: Ori Gersht, Charlotte Cotton, Joanna Lowry, Ben Burridge, Steffi Klenz, Duncan Wooldrige, Sandra Plummer, Tom Selvin, Guy Moreton, Mandy Jandrell.

The dates are 25th and 26th of October 2012.
It is free, but limited number of spaces so please look at info on above link.




I am proud to announce that I have received 2nd place for video at Beers.Lambert Contemporary.
Exhibition details will be posted nearer the time.

Winners by category:


  1. Aggtelek (Alejadro Valles & Gema Pasareles) (Spain) 
  2. Jwan Yosef (Sweden) 
  3. Lenka Vesela (Czech Republic)  


  1. Oeystein Dahlstroem (Norway) 
  2. Romen Gouveia (Brazil)
  3. Cornelia Bates (Germany) / Caroline-Jane Harris (UK)


  1. Scott Carter (USA)
  2. Gabriel Dawe (Canada) 
  3. Jumpei Shimada (Japan) / Christopher Badger (USA) / Nika Neelova (Russia) 


  1. Jack West (UK) 
  2. Maren Juell Kristensen (Norway) 
  3. Arnout Killian (The Netherlands) 


15. september – 18. november 2012

s t e r e o . n o t m o n o
Galleri F15, Alby Gård, Moss, Norway

Eva Ammermann (DE), Gunvor Nervold Antonsen (NO,)Sissel Aurland (NO), Jan Erik Beck / Hans Martin Øien (NO), Christian Egelhaaf (DE), Kristian Evju (NO), Nicolas Freitag (DE), Kristin Grothe (DE), Anja Klafki (DE), Ilka Kollath (DE), Maren Juell Kristensen (NO), Kine Lillestrøm (NO), Monica Løvdahl (NO), Deborah Di Meglio (DE), Petter Napstad (NO), Mona Næss (NO), Margarida Paiva (NO), John K. Raustein (NO), Sonophob by Andreas Reinhardt + Lutz Rehfeld + Andree Schulz (DE), Anna Edit Ring (NO), Elke Schweigart (DE), Tamer Serbay (DE), Kristian Skylstad / Hans Christian Skovholt (NO), Franziska Stubenrauch (DE, The Hungry Hearts Pin-Up Performance Band (Nina Bergström, Ellen Frøysaa, Edith Roth Gjevjon, Tonje Gjevjon, Line Halvorsen, Henriette Høyskel, Ingeborg Koll, Mona Krager) (NO), Berit Andreassen Thorsen (NO), Espen Tversland (NO), Marit Viljugrein (NO), Hedvig Winge (NO), Heiko Wommelsdorf (DE)

My work Fairy Tale is being exhibited as a part of Østlandsutstillingen "STEREO. NOT MONO" 2012.
I am also due to participate in the seminar from 10-13 o clock on the opening day 15th of September.

For more info please se this pdf.


"NATURAL" at One Night Only

NATURAL is centered around a passage by the British romantic poet Samuel T. Coleridge where he first defines the term “Suspension of disbelief”. This is a common phrase used in relation to works of fiction; how we lay aside our doubts regarding the validation of presented reality to be involved in a narrative.

The exhibition is curated by Jon Benjamin Tallerås



Welcome to the opening of the show 'Lucid Dreaming' friday 21st of October 2011. It is a groupshow with Liv Tandrevold Eriksen and Ingrid Toogood Hovland at Haugesund Billedgalleri, Norway.

I am exhibiting three new video installations where I focus on perception and psychological presence in the physical world and visual culture. The exhibition is supported by the Norwegian Arts Council.

H A U G E S U N D    K U N S T F O R E N I N G


Lucid dreaming

21. oktober – 13. november 
Åpning fredag 21. oktober kl.18

Utstillingen Lucid Dreaming er en gruppeutstilling av Maren Juell Kristensen, Liv Tandrevold Eriksen og Ingrid Toogood Hovland. Felles for deres kunst er interessen for psykologiske aspekt ved drøm og virkelighet, og persepsjon i grenselandet mellom virkelighet og fantasi. Tilnærmingen og materialvalget spenner fra tegning, maleri til installasjon og video, men tangeringspunktene og fellesnevnere gir plass til dialoger kunstnerne synes det er spennende å jobbe med. De har tidligere stilt ut sammen i Stavanger Kunstforening.

Maren Juell Kristensen (f.1976) viser tre nye videoarbeider.  Hun har i mange år jobbet med videoinstallasjoner hvor tvil og forventning er i fokus.  Dette er satt i relasjon til massemedia, film og personlighetsutvikling. Med de tre nye arbeidene; «Guided Imagery», «Fairy Tale» og «RUN» videreutvikler hun dette med hovedvekt på indre og ytre virkelighet, identitet og persepsjon.  Satt mot et bakteppe av natur som ‘det virkelige`, naturlige og opprinnelige, bruker Maren tekstbasert narrasjon og referanser til film og terapeutiske behandlinger til å stille spørsmål ved individets egen opplevde virkelighet.  I neuroscience har det blitt bevist at persepsjon påvirkes av følelser, minner og musikk, det samme gjelder for romlig forståelse.  Videoene er installert for å passe inn i utstillingen som helhet men også med objekter/strukturer foran skjermene som inviterer til navigasjon og fungerer som fysiske inngangsporter til videoene.

Liv Tandrevold Eriksens (f.1976) arbeider tar utgangspunkt i situasjoner hvor man befinner seg i mellomsjiktet mellom myter og fakta, drøm og virkelighet. Gjennom tegning prøver hun å gjenskape det mentale rom som oppstår i dette skjæringspunktet. Søvnforstyrrelser som søvnparalyse og søvngjengeri er eksempler på slike tilstander. Man er bevisst at man drømmer men er bundet til drømmen enten ved paralyse eller ved at kroppen ”lever” i drømmen. Tandrevold Eriksen viser tegninger og animasjoner.

Ingrid Toogood Hovland (f.1976) viser maleri på lerret og collageobjekter – billedelementer satt sammen til tredimensjonal form. Verkene befinner seg i skjæringspunktet mellom maleri og installasjon, mellom todimensjonal og tredimensjonal form. En fortelling kan ligge til grunn for arbeidene, men Toogood Hovlands verk underkaster seg ikke narrativet som tradisjonell illustrasjon. Det er heller snakk om en oppløsning av fortellingen i fragmenter og enkeltdeler. Fragmenter som knyttes sammen i scener med karakter av surrealistiske drømmebilder, og hvor former og motiver glir mellom maleriets og betrakterens rom.

Utstillingen er støttet av Norsk kulturråd.


* * * * *
Hjertelig velkommen til vernissasje i Haugesund Billedgalleri fredag 21. oktober kl. 18.00.

For mer informasjon kontakt Haugesund Kunstforening/ Haugesund Billedgalleri Tlf. 52 74 41 80,



Welcome to my solo exhibition opening on the 29th of May at Akershus Kunstnersenter, Lillestrøm, Norway.

Akershus Kunstnersenter

Akershus Kunstsenter ønsker velkommen til tre nye utstillinger fordelt på to etasjer.

Charlotte Thiis-Evensen
Ann Cathrin November Høibo
Thora Dolven Balke.

Maren Juell Kristensen

Kristine Dragland

Åpning lørdag 28. mai kl. 13.00. Performance ved Ingvild Langgård og Ingri Fiksdal kl. 13.30

Mer info følger;

“Fear something” Charlotte Thiis-Evensen, Ann Cathrin November Høibo og Thora Dolven Balke.

I installasjon, lydverk og video vil kunstnerne vise verk med frykt som et felles tematisk utgangspunkt. Utstillingens tittel Fear something spiller på det udefinerbare i frykten, at det ofte kan være uklart hva det er man frykter.

Kunstnerne vil vise selvstendige enkeltverk som samles i det tematiske fellesskapet. Frykt kan gripes fra mange sider, men vil i sitt innerste vesen gjenspeile frykten for å dø. Med et så alvorstungt utgangspunkt finnes det likevel anstrøk av absurd komikk i utstillingen. Kunstnernes samarbeid har kommet til gjennom en felles interesse for det emosjonelle i kunsten og flere tidligere enkeltverk av kunstnerne har skapt virkningsfulle, tidvis klaustrofobiske rom, som skaper en udefinerbar opplevelse av frykt eller uro i betrakteren. Andre av kunstnernes tidligere verk innehar en underliggende, ulmende uro, som et hviskende memento mori.

Charlotte Thiis-Evensen er utdannet fra Statens kunstakademi i Oslo og har hatt flere separatutstillinger, blant annet på Kunstnernes Hus i Oslo i 2008. Thiis-Evensen vil vise videoverket Min irriterte nabo der frykt for epidemier er sentralt.

Thora Dolven Balke har studert kunst og fotografi i København, Oslo og Bergen. Dolven Balke har deltatt på en rekke gruppeutstillinger, bl. a Veneziabiennalen i 2009, og på Astrup Fearnley-museet under utstillingen “Lights On” . Dolven Balke vil presentere et helt nytt video og lydarbeid for utstillingen.

Ann Cathrin November Høibo er utdannet ved Kunstakademiet og Kunsthøyskolen i Oslo. Hun deltok blant annet på utstillingen ”Alone in the dark” på Kunstnerforbundet i 2008. Hun vil jobbe frem en stedsrelatert installasjon for utstillingen.

The Downward-facing Dog Maren Juell Kristensen

Gråtoneskala Kristine Dragland.

Begge utstillerne reflekterer rundt forskjellige strategier for å finne meningsfulle måter å være i verden på. Video er det sentrale medium for begge.

Maren Juell Kristensen (1976) har etter fullførelsen av sin mastergrad ved Chelsea College of Art (London) i 2004 blant annet deltatt på ’LIGHTS ON -norsk samtidskunst’ (09) ved Astrup Fearnley og Liverpool Biennalen 2008. Hun deltok også på “Predawn Occultation” i 2009 i Stavanger Kunstforening.

Kristine Dragland (f. 1983) har blant annet deltatt på utstillingen 100 år på Kunstnerforbundet i Oslo (2009) og på flere utstillinger i Brisbane, Australia. Hun er utdannet ved Statens Kunstakademi i Oslo.

Juell Kristensens tittel The Downward-facing Dog refererer til en klassisk Yoga posisjon, som i tillegg til å styrke armer ben og rygg ifølge yogalitteraturen også skal hjelpe mot stress, depresjon og roe ned hjernen. Arbeidene produsert for denne utstillingen omfatter spesifikke fysiske bevegelser, trening og dans, som f eks yoga. Felles for dem er at øvelsene har et overordnet holistisk fundament der fokuset er rettet mot treningen av sjelen/ånden og det mentale.

Juell Kristensen jobber med video både som et historiefortellende element og som en fysisk tilstedeværelse av lys. Dramaturgiske grep i monteringen av installasjonene er vesentlig. Arbeidene dveler ved den gjentakende repeterende øvelsen og de symboler, fysiske begrensninger og metoder som hver praksis gir.

Der Juell Kristensen tar utgangspunkt i det som skal bygge opp sjel, sinn og kropp retter Kristine Dragland blikket mot mørkere sider ved det menneskelige.

I sine videoer og tegninger tematiserer Dragland motstridende følelser i mennesket; det som forventes av en og dragninger mot det mørke og egoistiske i en selv. Dette representeres hos Dragland i hennes to hovedtemaer, nemlig skygger og hus. Her foregår blant annet en dialog og lek med skyggen, og en kaotisk kamp mot skyggen. I litteraturen og psykologien finnes utallige eksempler på en dualisme mellom det mørke og det lyse. Hos Dragland synes det som om de to motpolene får eksistere side om side. I tegningene avbilder Dragland et emosjonelt univers der ting hverken er svart eller hvitt men finnes i alle gråtonene i mellom.

Velkommen til Akershus Kunstsenter i Lillestrøm – kun 10 min fra Oslo med toget. 15 min med bil.


I regret to have to inform that my exhibition below has been stolen and is no longer available for viewing.



Carl Berner Prosjektrom 10 December - 10 Januar 2010

Welcome to opening 10 December at 5 pm in the gallery at Carl Berner Tube Station, Oslo.

For more info please se Skulpturarena Øst.

Beyond good and evil



Reviews and wrietups:

Following the exhibition in Stavanger Kunstforening we had an interview in Kunstforum and a review in Stavanger Aftenblad (norwegian).

I have also been selected 'best or ArtReview network' in October 2009.



Predawn Occultation

Maren Juell Kristensen, Liv Tandrevold Eriksen and Ingrid Toogood Hovland ‘s new exhibition ”Predawn Occultation” opens Thursday the 8th of October in Stavanger Kunstforening.

The exhibition consists of painting, drawing, video and installation. A common theme is an interest in the magical and supernatural. It is the first time these three artist exhibit together.

Occultation is a phenomenon that arises when one object is hidden by another, an eclipse. In astronomy it is used to describe a solar or lunar eclipse, but the most common use of the word is the fairly frequent passages of the moon in front of a star. When the moon passes between the sun and the earth it casts a shadow on the earth’s surface and partially eclipses the earth. Eclipses and occultation’s have always been shrouded in mystery and myths. In many cultures it is believed that ‘evil’ forces are more powerful during an solar eclipse, and the phenomenon is connected to both judgment day and natural disasters. In Norse mythology it is believed that the wolves Skoll and Hati hunted the sun and moon. When they finally succeed in catching them an eternal darkness would shroud the earth. The Chinese and the Native Americans had similar tales of dragons and dead spirits that swallowed the sun.

Maren Juell Kristensen (born 1976), lives and work in Oslo, Norway. Maren has had several solo shows and participated in group exhibitions, amongst others “Lights on” at The Astrup Fearnley MoMa and Liverpool Biennial in 2008.

Liv Tandrevold Eriksen (born 1976), lives and work in Oslo, Norway. Liv’s work has been exhibited in several solo , group shows and public commissions. She is in the collection of both The Swedish and the Norwegian Arts council. Liv’s is opening a solo show at Kunstnerforbundet in Oslo this autumn.

Ingrid Toogood Hovland (born 1976), lives and works in Stavanger, Norway. Ingrid was selected “Stavanger artist of the year” by Stavanger city council. This autumn she is exhibiting in a solo show at Artconnextion in France and she is the chairman of the jury of the annual Norwegian Autumn exhibition.


I am pleased to announce that my video "7/7" is included in PAM Nordic Part 1 at Utsikten Kunstnersenter in Kvinesdal, Norway.

The exhibition opens on the 30th of November and is up until 18th of February 2009.

From the program:

“Still / Crash / Flow”
Curated by Torill Haugen and Raphaele Shirley
Featured artists: Anne Katrine Sensland, Arne Borgan, Beate Pettersen, Birger Åseson Storås, Bjørn E. Pettersen, Bjørn Erik Haugen, Endre Tveitan, Frithof Hoel, Gjert Rognli, Helle Lorenzen, Hilde Honerud, Jan Hakon Erichsen, Janne Talstad, Johanna Lecklin, Julie Lillelien Porter, Kaja H. Leijon, Lene Baadsvig Ørmen, Maren Juell Kristensen, Margarida Pavida, Oda Brooch, Paulo Chavarría, Ulf Kristiansen, Åslaug Krokann Berg

“Still / Crash / Flow” presents a cross section of Nordic video art today. Exploring the selected works through the lens of Perpetual Art Machine’s philosophy, the individual pieces are organized according to folksonomies and by juxtaposition in time following the diverse ideas presented in each piece.  Spanning various types of works, from abstract to cinematic, from absurd to critical, from performative to meditative this selection celebrates an exceptional group of artists whose unique perspective and approach to video art form a new voice within contemporary art today.

“Inside / Outside”
Curated by Iris Piers
Featuring artists: Linda Persson, Anne Senstad, Etta Säfve, Henriette Hellstern_Kjøller and Jorunn Myklebust Syversen

Linda Persson, Anne Senstad, Etta Säfve, Henriette Hellstern_Kjøller and Jorunn Myklebust Syversen are five young video artists with roots in Scandinavia.Each in their own way, their curious works hold a balance between folkloric and contemporary themes, some contorted, some timid, others abstract and eager to put an imprint on the space that surrounds us. The exchange between interior and exterior defines the mindset of this selection; whether in a fictional cardboard city, a space defined by light or the in_and outside of our own mind and body, they investigate and unfold what could be hidden just beneath the surface.



FIVE NORDIC WOMEN ARTIST ( se previous post for more info) is also a part of NICE08:

Catalogue with information about all the events in the festival (PDF) can be downloaded here.


art will absolve me

I have been invited to represent Norway in an exhibition called Five Nordic Women Artist in Liverpool

as a part of the Liverpool Bienniale 08 program but primarily a part of a nordic festival for arts and culture called NICE08

My solo show will be at Novas Scarman CUC

Opening night is the 19th of September and will be up until the 30th of November 2008.

For other events at the biennial click at the image below for enlargement.

liverpool 08



I am participating in the project and exhibition "Rykk tilbake til start" at 0047 Gallery in Oslo. I am in show # 3 opening on the 31st of January.

More info:



I am participating in the group exhibition LIGHTS ON - norsk samtidskunst at the Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art in Oslo.

It Opens on Saturday the 12th of January.

More infomation on the museum website:

lights on


My installation 'Cleaning in Progress' is being shown at various institutions in Akershus County, Norway during 2008 as a part of a ttouring exhibition called Kunstvisitten. It starts with an exhibtion at Akershus Kunstnersenter:


The video 'such a laugh' is a part of the video screening 'closer' during the Mid-e festival in San Sebastián, Spain.

Wendesday 28th of November and Thursday 29th of November.

For more info click here.


I am participating in the group show 'climate of change' in a disused office block behind the Tate Modern, London.

It is written about here.

It opens on 9th of November and is up until 31st of December. More info below:


As a part of VOYEUR COLLECTIVE my work will be screened at Basement ARI in Fiskars, Finland on the 21 September 2007 at 8pm

For more info see blog:



Solo Show "Dark matter" at LEIF MAGNE TANGENS

For more info see gallery website:



During Oslo Open I have been selected to make a site specific installation at Stortinget T Bane station.

For more information please see Oslo Opens website:


I have been included in VOYEUR Collective and my video 'Undertoad' is being shown at the exhibition "The Launch" at 69 Smith Street, Fitzroy, Australia 18 April - 06 May.

And at Art Melbourne 07, 20-22 April at Royal Exhibition Building in Carlton, Australia.

For more info see website:



If you wish to view my 3 works FULFILLED, WISH and ENTRÉE in ’Project Galleri Oslo’ I am very sorry to say it will now only be on show at the same time as the Performance PLAYING DEAD.

This is because of (unforeseen) security reasons.

Please contact me if you wish to view them outside of these times:

22/2 and 1/3 from 20 - 21,

24/2 and 3/3 from 15 - 16.



An artists initiated exhibition in the farily empty shopping centre called 'Galleri Oslo' in the middle of Oslo city centre.

Click the image for more information.



Some of 'Nothing to see here' will be shown at Liverpool Biennial Independents as a part of the Projection Gallery.

06 -07-2006-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Welcome to the opening of my solo show "Nothing to see here..." at Galleri Fimbul in Oslo on 12 August at 2 pm.

Press release in English.

Presseskriv på Norsk.

For more information see gallery website


The video ' My friend (the town)' was screened at Agder Kunstnersenter 04/08 as a part of an event showing artist under 30.


Images from ''we walked miles for you' and a short text is being used to illustrate a chapter in the book 'Å LØPE MOT STJERNENE - om estetisk dannelse, kreativitet og skapende prosesser' written by Trygve Johan Norskog and Elisabeth Juell.

More info:


The film "My friend (the town)" is being shown as one of the opening videos the first week in March and then for a month at "Hjem" which is a gallery part of the cafe Frk. Larsen i Kristiansand, Norway arranged by Jorann Abusland.

For more info see


"Bring a Friend" where my film "My friend (the town) " is included is being shown at Atopia Lakkeata 75 in Oslo on Saturday the 28 at 18:00 and on Sunday 29th of January at 14:00.


"Bring a Friend" where my film "My friend (the town) " is included is being shown at Landmark in Bergen on the 14th of September.


Welcome to opening of my three screen video projection 'We Walked Miles For You' at Atlelier Nord, Lakkegata 55D, Oslo, Norway. Thursday 21 of April 19:00.

We Walked Miles For You  is a three screen video projection of people walking in traditional parades ,
the juxtaposition and selective angle of view carries an ambivalence towards rituals, meaning and belonging.

Thanks to all that helped me by walking with costumes and torches and the techincal equipment.


Although the main exhibition is over by the time I got this website up and running I wish to inculde the invite as the videoscreening 'Bring a Friend' I am participating in is supposed to travel to Oslo and Bergen in Norway.